The State Register of Breeding Achievements in Animal Husbandry

An informational automated database containing a set of data regarding the registration, approval, general characteristics of productive qualities, and distribution of breeding achievements

The System was developed to establish an electronic register of breeding achievements in animal husbandry and a list of agricultural animal breeds, which enables:

  • Digitizing the Register of Breeding Achievements and related offline processes, thereby automating, simplifying, and accelerating the period from application submission to decision-making;
  • Digitize the List of Breeds and related offline processes;
  • Make the data from the Register of Breeding Achievements and/or the List of Breeds available for interaction with other external systems through API integration.

The object of registration is domestic breeding achievements. Upon the request of the owner of purebred breeding (genetic) resources, imported breeding achievements that have been brought into Ukraine for breeding use may also be registered.

The system consists of the following components:

  • 1. Applicant's Cabinet - A system component that ensures the authentication of the Business Entity and interaction with applications and their status;
  • 2. Registrar's Cabinet - A system component that ensures the authentication of the user and interaction with the applications of business entities;
  • 3. Administrator's Cabinet - A system component that manages roles and users within the Registrar's Cabinet
  • 4. Database for tracking applications for the approval of breeding achievements in animal husbandry and the registration of imported agricultural animal breeds;
  • 5. API for interaction with other registries;
  • 6. Reporting module.

Letters of Recommendation

The State Register of Breeding Achievements in Animal Husbandry