The main register of warehouse documents for grain and grain accepted for storage

An electronic database that is formed based on the records maintained at grain warehouses, containing information about the grain (pledged grain) accepted by the warehouses for storage in a specified volume and for a specified period, and about the warehouse documents issued for the grain, digital forms of paper warehouse documents for grain, and information about the holders of such documents.


The system provides the following functionalities:

  • Formation of a unified information space and web interface to ensure the management of the register of warehouse documents for grain and grain accepted for storage;
    • Ensuring the creation of a request for the formation and retrieval of extracts from the grain warehouse register;
      • Providing the ability to obtain information about the owner by the bill of lading receipt number through the API;
        • Verification of individual entrepreneurs (FOP) and legal entities through the Unified State Register (EDR).;
          • Providing the ability to add new entities, documents, merge/split documents, transfer ownership, and block documents at the request of a bank;
            • Providing means to monitor the information being entered into the system.

              The system consists of the following components:

              • 1. Applicant Cabinet – A component of the system that ensures the authentication of the business entity within the system and provides the ability to submit an application for entering into the required contract.
                • 2. DRU Operator Cabinet – A component of the system that ensures the authentication of DRU employees and interacts with the data necessary for operational administration and technical support.;
                  • 3. Registrar Cabinet – A component of the system that ensures user authentication and interaction with the system of users with different roles;
                    • 4. Administrator Cabinet – A component of the system that provides management of roles and users for the following cabinets:
                      • 4.1. Registrar Cabinet;
                      • 4.2. DRU Operator Cabinet;
                      • 4.3. Contract Manager Cabinet;
                      • 4.4. Information Recipient Cabinet (Ministry of Agrarian Policy and State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection);
                      • 4.5. DRU Administrator Cabinet;
                      • 4.6. Information Recipient Cabinet (Web Services);
                      • 4.7. Creditor Cabinet.
                    • 5. Information Recipient Cabinet.
                      • 6. Database where system data will be stored;
                        • 7. API for interaction with other systems;
                          • 8. Reporting Module.

                            Letters of Recommendation

                            The main register of warehouse documents for grain and grain accepted for storage